§ 6-37. Artist and art selection criteria.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Artist will be selected in accordance with city procurement policy. The following criteria, at minimum, shall be considered by the public art committee in the selection of an artist:


    Ability of the artist to complete the project within a specified schedule and budget;


    Exhibition and sales history of the artist, as well as works of art in public collections and previous public art purchases or commissions; and


    All other criteria set forth in the public art program guidelines, as amended from time to time.


    The following criteria, at minimum, shall be considered by the public art committee in the selection of artwork:


    Appropriateness of the artwork to the site and site environmental conditions;


    Maximum visual accessibility to pedestrian or vehicular traffic, as set forth in the public art program guidelines;


    Quality of the artwork;


    Maintenance requirements;


    Whether the artwork too closely resembles a business logo or sign and should, therefore, be rejected; and


    Any other criteria set forth in the public art program guidelines, as amended from time to time.

(Ord. No. 04O-08-162, § 2, 8-30-04)