Secs. 6-9.2, 6-9.3. - Reserved.
Editor's note— Former § 6-9.2. and 6-9.3., pertaining to proposed development plan/site plan and dedication of land for park/recreation purposes prior to permit issuance, respectively, were repealed by §§ 10 and 11, respectively, of Ord. No. 90-106, adopted Feb. 26, 1990; said former § 6-9.2. originated from the following legislation:
Ord. No. Date Ord. No. Date 78-147 12-11-78 85-200 10-28-85 79-157 11-27-79 86-148 12- 8-86 80-177 12-29-80 87-137 7-27-87 83-116 3-14-83 87-148 9-28-87 84-139 7- 9-84 88-131 8-29-88 85-120 3-11-85 89-208 2-12-90 85-173 8-12-85 Former § 6-9.3 originated from Ord. No. 76-507, adopted Oct. 29, 1976; and Ord. No. 82-111, adopted May 11, 1982.
For current provisions pertaining to similar subject matter abovementioned, see Ord. No. 90-106, the city's Land Development Regulations.