Lauderhill |
Code of Ordinances |
Division 1. GENERALLY |
§ 2-22. Travel, entertainment and subsistence allowance.
Authority to incur traveling expenses.
City officials and employees shall be reimbursed for travel expenses necessarily incurred by them in the performance of their official duties.
All travel by city employees must be authorized by the city manager and the head of the department to which the expenses are to be charged. The city manager shall not authorize or approve such request unless it is accompanied by a signed statement by the traveler's supervisor stating that such travel is on the official business of the city and also stating the purpose of such travel.
Travel expenses of a person who is a candidate for an executive or professional position with the city may be reimbursed as approved by the city commission or the city manager.
For purposes of this section, the city manager, city clerk, city attorney (the "Charter officers"), and the city commission, shall be collectively known as "city officials," and shall not be deemed city employees.
Allowance for subsistence and overnight travel.
Travelers shall be allowed for subsistence, when traveling overnight, in the total amount of forty-five dollars ($45.00) per day, and receipts shall not be required. Gratuities and tips for such items as meals and baggage handling are included in this amount.
Each year the above amount shall be adjusted, effective upon the city manager's approval, based upon the standard meal allowance for the federal rate for meal and incidental expense (M & IE) for "high-cost locations," under the "high-low method," as issued by the Internal Revenue Service.
For overnight travel, travelers shall be allowed up to the amount permitted in subsections (1) of this subsection for meals, plus actual expenses for lodging at a single occupancy rate, or such rate as provided by the event being attended, and other expenses, as provided for in subsections (c) and (d) below.
Any other provisions of section 2-22 notwithstanding, the city shall pay all meal costs incurred by city officials when they attend Broward League of Cities, Florida League of Cities, or National League of Cities business meeting functions, city clerk business functions, or chamber of commerce/business alliance business meeting functions.
Transportation by common carrier, use of privately owned vehicle, or the rental of a vehicle, when traveling on official business and paid for personally by the traveler shall be substantiated by a receipt therefore, and reimbursement shall be provided for same. For city employees, the mode of transportation must be authorized by the city manager.
Whenever travel is by privately owned vehicle, the traveler shall be entitled to a mileage allowance of thirty-six and one-half cents ($0.365) per mile. Each year the above amount shall be adjusted, effective upon the city manager's approval, based upon the standard mileage rate as issued by the Internal Revenue Service.
The commission may grant monthly allowances in fixed amounts for use of privately owned automobiles on official business for local travel within Broward County in lieu of the mileage rate provided in subsection (2) of this subsection. Allowances granted pursuant to this subsection shall be reasonable, taking into account the customary use of the automobile, the roads customarily traveled, and whether any of the expenses incident to the operation, maintenance, and ownership of the automobiles are paid from city funds.
No traveler shall be allowed either mileage or transportation expense when he or she is gratuitously transported by another person, or when he [or she] is transported by another traveler who is entitled to mileage or transportation expenses.
Other expenses.
All travelers shall be paid five dollars ($5.00) per day for other non-incidental expenses. No receipts shall be required. Other non-incidental expenses are those expenses which are not incidental expenses, but are permitted under the Internal Revenue Regulations and are provided for in the IRS Publications.
Ferry, bridge, road, parking and tunnel tolls are reimbursable when substantiated by a receipt therefore.
Convention and conference registration fees shall be reimbursed, provided that attendance at the convention or conference serves a direct city purpose.
Procedure, policy and forms. The city manager may adopt alternate or additional policy, procedures and forms required for city employees and Charter officers, which are not in conflict with the provisions herein. The city manager may also adopt procedures for forms and reimbursement for the city commission, which are not in conflict with the provisions herein, subject to the city commission's approval by resolution.
Entertainment. The city manager shall have the power to authorize the expenditure of funds for business-related entertainment, as to benefit the city and as may be limited by any other section of the Code of Ordinances or state statutes.
Written reports by elected city officials.
Any elected official of the City of Lauderhill who shall travel at city expense and remain away from the city for a period in excess of twenty-four (24) hours shall prepare a written report which shall describe in reasonable detail the events of the travel as they pertain to city purposes. The report shall be filed with the city clerk within thirty (30) days from the date upon which the elected official shall return to the city, and placed into the record thereof.
Any elected official who fails to comply with subsection (g)(1), shall not be reimbursed for any subsequent travel, regardless of its purpose, until such time as he or she shall have come into compliance with subsection (g)(1). There shall be no retroactive reimbursement to any elected official who comes into compliance with subsection (g)(1) after he or she has performed subsequent travel.
(Ord. No. 82-155, § 1, 10-12-82; Ord. No. 89-120, § 1, 3-27-89; Ord. No. 91-115, § 1, 3-25-91; Ord. No. 96O-157, § 1, 11-12-96; Ord. No. 03O-04-143, § 1, 6-9-03)