Lauderhill |
Code of Ordinances |
Article II. OFFENSES |
§ 14-24. Trespass.
No person in the city shall enter onto the land or premises of another, or into any private residence, house, building, or upon city-owned real property where the public is not customarily invited without the prior authority from the city, if such person:
Has been previously forbidden to enter said premises; or
Has not been previously forbidden to enter said premises, but is warned to leave or depart once on the premises and the person refuses to do so; or
Having departed from the premises after warning, the person re-enters the premises without the prior authorization of the owner, or the person remains about or in the vicinity of the premises.
If any of the foregoing should occur, such person will be deemed to be a trespasser, and shall be subject to punishment in accordance with section 7½-3 of this Code.
(Ord. No. 48, § 25, 5-28-62; Ord. No. 02O-07-142, § 1, 8-26-02; Ord. No. 09O-11-165, § 3, 12-14-09)